Team resource management and human factors

AVIANS Simulation was founded with the goal to provide a realistic and functional training environment designed for TRM training within the field of human factors. Our simulator carries a cabin module and an advanced radar ATC simulator from where an operator is able to control simulated traffic at the same time as providing ATC service to the flight crew. This will allow simulator training involving the whole team.

As recognised the interest and focus upon Team Resource Management steadily increase within aviation and discussions concerning the benefit of having air traffic controllers and pilots doing joint simulation sessions together clearly moves in the positive direction. Unfortunately this training concept has not yet come into practice because of obstacles and limitations in the standard simulator training environment commonly used and the organisational structure among airline operators and air navigation service providers. AVIANS Simululation can not change the later, but we are definitely one of the first company able to provide a training environment designed for real practical joint TRM training between ATC/ATS personnel and flight crews.

Air navigation service providers, airline operators, flight schools and human factor specialists are welcome to contact us via mail or phone +46 (0)731 55 44 99 for further information or to book a demonstration and discuss future opportunities and possibilities.

The controller work position:

The radar display. The “TRN1234” is the real simulator. The other traffic are robot aircraft that can also be controlled by the operator managing the controller work position.