Fear of flying seminars

Many people feel uncomfortable when flying. Some even fear flying. This could become a problem, especially if you are required to travel by air because of work. We offer a one day course focusing on learning how to feel more relaxed and even enjoy air travel. Our broad and professional experience from many different areas within aviation, pedagogy, psychology, therapy and human factors enables us to gather a very unique expert team guiding you through lectures explaining the technical aspects connected to a flight and why it can be seen as natural to fear flying. You will be shown how it is possible to manage or even joy travelling by air and apply strategies to control fear and feel more comfortable.

The concept  we use is very unique since we have the opportunity of combining both theoretical lectures and practical demonstrations in our simulator. The Boeing 737-800 simulator is highly accurate and realistic and it carries a cabin area where it is possible for the passengers to look into the flight deck (cockpit) and follow the work of the pilots. The pilots will explain step by step the different phases of flight and demonstrate how different safety nets are used to keep the flight safe at all times. During the whole simulated flight you will be able to ask questions and our team will be more than happy to answer.

Below you will find examples of some subjects that will be discussed and demonstrated:

  • The psychological reasons behind fear of flying and what we can do to manage that fear
  • Learn coping strategies useful when flying (practical exercise)
  • How aircraft flies
  • Technical systems and the standard procedures of taking care of some typical malfunctions
  • Human factors and different safety nets
  • Working methods and procedures on the flight deck (cockpit)
  • Air traffic control
  • A simulated flight from A to B (practical exercise)

The typical course will contain 6-10 participants and take place on a Saturday or a Sunday between 09:00 – 18:00 allowing you to participate outside regular working hours. The cost for each seat is 5000 SEK incl. VAT (lunch and refreshments included).

Please contact us via mail info@avianssimulation.com or phone +46 (0)731 55 44 99 for further information and to sign up for the next upcoming course.

Available courses during 2024:

  • Saturday the 9th of November

Note: Book now! There is a limited amount of seats for each course. Please note that the course will be delivered in both English and Swedish (course in English only is available on request).

The team:

Anders works as a flight captain within Scandinavian Airlines and has got over 13000 hours of flying time. He has also functioned as a CRM instructor (Crew Resource Management) and he is at present an active member of the Swedish Flight Safety Committee.

Maria works as a flight safety coordinator within LFV (one of the Swedish Air Navigation Service Providers) and has long operational experience as a controller, teacher and trainer within air traffic control.  Maria has studied human factors and safety systems at Lunds University along with psychology, pedagogy and cognition.

Antje works as an independent therapist and she manages her own business. She has got more than 10 years of experience in various recognised healing modalities. Antje holds a CHT (Certified Hypnotherapist Non-Medical) and a CPTF (Certified Parts Therapy Facilitator) certificate.

Staffan is the founder and owner of AVIANS Simulation and also the one who took the initiative of arranging fear of flying seminars. Staffan works as a course supervisor, teacher and instructor for air traffic controller trainees at Entry Point North AB. He owns a teaching degree and has got over 20 years of teaching/training experience and flight simulator instructor experience.

What do participants think of our fear of flying seminar?

“My impression of the seminar was that the concept was very well designed. The delivery and approach were very professional. I hope a lot of people get to take control over their fear of flying by using coping strategies presented and exercised on the AVIANS Simulation fear of flying seminar.”

/Anette – participant, Sep 2018

“I am very sure the AVIANS Simulation fear of flying seminar will be of benefit next time i board an aircraft. I have now got new knowledge and new tools (coping strategies) which will allow me to feel more comfortable when flying. I will now travel with a smile!”

/Helle – participant, Sep 2018

”The practical flight simulator exercise felt very real and gave me the sensation I was flying. Interesting and comforting to be able to see how the pilots work during a flight”

/Kitty – participant, Sep 2018

”Would I recommend the AVIANS Simulation fear of flying seminar to a friend or colleague? Absolutely. That I have already done!”

/Jesper – participant, Sep 2018